Interface | Description |
DocumentReader |
A generic interface for all
HierarchicalStreamReader implementations reading a DOM. |
DocumentWriter |
A generic interface for all
HierarchicalStreamWriter implementations generating a
DOM. |
XmlFriendlyReader | Deprecated
As of 1.4
XmlFriendlyWriter | Deprecated
As of 1.4
Class | Description |
AbstractDocumentReader | |
AbstractDocumentWriter |
A generic
HierarchicalStreamWriter for DOM writer
implementations. |
AbstractPullReader |
Base class that contains common functionality across HierarchicalStreamReader implementations
that need to read from a pull parser.
AbstractXmlDriver | Deprecated
As of 1.4
AbstractXmlReader | Deprecated
As of 1.4, use
AbstractReader instead. |
AbstractXmlWriter | Deprecated
As of 1.4 use
AbstractWriter instead |
AbstractXppDomDriver |
An abstract base class for a driver using an XPP DOM implementation.
AbstractXppDriver |
An abstract base class for a driver using an XPP implementation.
BEAStaxDriver |
A driver using the BEA StAX implementation.
CompactWriter | |
Dom4JDriver | |
Dom4JReader | |
Dom4JWriter | |
Dom4JXmlWriter | |
DomDriver | |
DomReader | |
DomWriter | |
JDom2Driver | |
JDom2Reader | |
JDom2Writer | |
JDomDriver | |
JDomReader | |
JDomWriter | |
KXml2DomDriver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver for XPP DOM using the kXML2 parser. |
KXml2Driver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver using the kXML2 parser. |
PrettyPrintWriter |
A simple writer that outputs XML in a pretty-printed indented stream.
QNameMap |
Represents a mapping of
QName instances to Java class names
allowing class aliases and namespace aware mappings of QNames to class names. |
SaxWriter |
parser that acts as an XStream
HierarchicalStreamWriter to enable direct generation of a
SAX event flow from the XStream serialization of a list of list of Java objects. |
SjsxpDriver | Deprecated
As of 1.4.5 use
StandardStaxDriver |
StandardStaxDriver |
A driver using the standard JDK StAX implementation provided by the Java runtime (since Java
StaxDriver |
A driver using the StAX API to create XML reader and writer.
StaxReader |
A reader using the StAX API.
StaxWriter |
A stream writing that outputs to a StAX stream writer
TraxSource |
JAXP TrAX Source that enables using XStream object serialization as
direct input for XSLT processors without resorting to an intermediate representation such as
text XML, DOM or DOM4J. |
WstxDriver |
A driver using the Woodstox StAX implementation.
XmlFriendlyNameCoder |
Encode and decode tag and attribute names in XML drivers.
XmlFriendlyReplacer | Deprecated
As of 1.4, use
XmlFriendlyNameCoder instead |
XomDriver | |
XomReader | |
XomWriter | |
Xpp3DomDriver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver for XPP DOM using the Xpp3 parser. |
Xpp3Driver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver using the Xpp3 parser. |
XppDomDriver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver for XPP DOM using the XmlPullParserFactory to locate an parser. |
XppDomReader | |
XppDomWriter | |
XppDriver |
HierarchicalStreamDriver using the XmlPullParserFactory to locate an XML Pull Parser. |
XppReader |
XStream reader that pulls directly from the stream using the XmlPullParser API.
XStream11NameCoder |
A XmlFriendlyNameCoder to support backward compatibility with XStream 1.1.
XStream11XmlFriendlyReplacer | Deprecated
As of 1.4, use
XStream11NameCoder instead |
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