New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.3
Component/s: None
A huge number of PropertyEditors has been created and you could help the usage of these through adding a SingleValueConverter that utilizes a PropertyEditor. A Simple version that we've used is like this:
import java.beans.PropertyEditor;
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.SingleValueConverter;
public class PropertyEditorValueConverter implements SingleValueConverter {
final private PropertyEditor editor;
final private Class type;
public PropertyEditorValueConverter(PropertyEditor editor, Class type)
{ this.editor = editor; this.type = type; }public Object fromString(String str)
{ editor.setAsText(str); return editor.getValue(); }public String toString(Object obj)
{ editor.setValue(obj); return editor.getAsText(); }public boolean canConvert(Class type)
{ return this.type.isAssignableFrom(type); }}
Here's a test case:
import java.awt.Color;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import sun.beans.editors.ColorEditor;
public class PropertyEditorValueConverterTest extends TestCase {
PropertyEditorValueConverter converter = new PropertyEditorValueConverter(new ColorEditor(), Color.class);
public void testMatchesClass() throws Exception
{ assertTrue(converter.canConvert(Color.class)); assertFalse(converter.canConvert(Object.class)); }public void testConverting() throws Exception
{ assertConvertWorks(; assertConvertWorks(; assertConvertWorks(Color.yellow); }private void assertConvertWorks(Color testObject)
{ String string = converter.toString(testObject); assertEquals(testObject, converter.fromString(string)); }}
Just after commiting this I remembered that property editors are not thread safe.. I'll commit a thread safe version tomorrow (where the constructor argument is class for the property editor and the fromString / toString methods instantiate the class.