Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
JDK version and platform:Sun 1.3.0 for Windows
Hi XStream-team,
I've got a similar problem with XStream as described in the bugreport "JavaMethodConverter does not respect the XStream.setClassLoader()"
(Key: XSTR-235).
In my project (a Plugin for an eclipse-based application) I'm using two plugins: a plugin with my code and a so called "Plugin from existing jar-files"
(I named it WrapperPlugin) which contains the xstream-1.1.3.jar et al.
The plugin with my code depends on the WrapperPlugin.
After executing the following code I get an com.thoughtworks.xstream.alias.CannotResolveClassException :
XStream xstream = new XStream();
xstream.alias("Config", ConfigBean.class);
cfb = (ConfigBean) xstream.fromXML(xmlString); // Exception is thrown in this line
The exception doesn't appear when I'm using the buildpath instead of a separate Plugin for the jars.
To my regret I can't use the buildpath in my project so I have to use the WrapperPlugin.
I've tried to set the buildpath as described in
I'm sorry, after creating this bugreport some lines of the text disappeared
This is the missing text:
I've tried to set the buildpath as described in but unfortunately without success.
Also registering a new JavaMethodConverter that uses my target classloader instead of the default wasn't able to resolve
my problem.
I have no more idea to fix this problem.
Can you give me some advice please ?
Dirk P.