L10N support


XSite supports language localisation of content HTML files, skins and even resources.

By convention, given the root source directory the localised content can be specified by a language code, which identifies a language-specific source directory. Eg:

/content/sitemap.xml       - main sitemap
/it/content/sitemap.xml    - italian sitemap
/it/templates/skin.html    - italian skin
/fr/content/sitemap.xml    - french sitemap: uses main skin
/pt/content/sitemap.xml    - portuguese sitemap
/pt/templates/skin.html    - portuguese skin
/pt/resources              - portuguese resources
An additional (non-mandatory) localisations option will specific the language localisation codes as CSV. For each a sitemap file is expected (using the same relative path as the main content). The skin and resource files will default to main content ones if not found in language-specific path.